Sunday Summary – September 21, 2014

sunday-summary-logoHere’s the whole week on, sorted and summarized:

Your input needed: Comments on the Metropolitan Council’s Draft Transportation Policy Plan provides four comments on the draft plan with some additional criticism in the comments; you can comment on the plan until October 1.

Big ideas department: Cars Feel Like the Future considers car design as the (only) indicator we’re in the 2014.  The cars look sleek and futuristic, but the streets haven’t, including the suburban development pattern.

Transit department: One Penny asks what would happen if we had a one penny sales tax dedicated to transit (like Houston)? The short answer is $96 million annually, but there’s more information about transit funding, Move.MN and more in the post and the comments. Lake Elmo, Masters of the Long Game reviews Lake Elmo’s development history and considers whether it’s well-positioned for real transit-oriented development; commenters are somewhat supportive with scattered pessimism. Investing in Transit “Because Millennials” is a Bad Idea or at least an insufficient justification for transit projects like streetcars.

Multimodal department: Uptown to Dinkytown: The Three Mode Analysis provides some perspective on the costs and time involved in getting from here to there by bike, transit and car. Commenters provide some suggestions for bus route choices and other helpful information to tweak the results.

Planning and/or dreaming department: Frank-Lyn – Thinking About Streets and Places in Three Dimensions visits the Franklin Street/Lyndale Avenue intersection to consider how streets (and a bridge) might be part of the mixed use development proposed at this location. Detailed comments critique the proposal and add some other suggestions.

Highly visual department: This week, you can visit the U from your chair with the video Minneapolis-St. Paul Virtual Tour: University of Minnesota. There are three Charts of the Day with Rent vs. Distance from CBD Center, Renter Participation in Neighborhood Groups (see earlier related posts like this one), Gateway Corridor Job Projections (see this Gateway Corridor-related post in the Transit department, too). Plus, two maps: Map Monday: Metro Transit’s (Draft) “Increased Revenue Scenario” and Map of the Day: Freeway Proximity in Minneapolis which was the comment winner of the week with extensive discussion of development patterns and freeway connections. Back after a few weeks is the Sunday Sketch – Honoring Saint Paul Legend Leroy Neiman with sketches of the St. Paul Saints at Midway Stadium this summer and a prose picture of artist Leroy Neiman’s life and some suggestions for honoring his legacy.


Retrospective department: Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District Unveils Greening Awards Summer Finalists lists the finalists (but public voting for the winner ended Friday, September 19, 2014) in this award program intended to inspire local businesses to green downtown Minneapolis “to foster a safer and more scenic Downtown Minneapolis.” Open Streets Minneapolis – Nicollet Ave Review looks back at the Minneapolis Open Streets events (the Franklin Street Open Streets event is reviewed here) along with information about transit, NiceRide and other modes of transportation used to reach the event or highlighted in the festivities.


1 million views != 1 million dollars observes passing the 1,000,000 view milestone on September 7 2014 (since our beginnings in January 2012), considers the value per view and asks for your support. is free to read and run by dedicated volunteers, but please consider donating to support our infrastructure.


This week marks more seasonal change with Fall’s official start and Rosh Hashanah beginning the High Holidays. Minnesota streets are looking lovely as the leaves change so why not take a walk, ride (bike or transit), or drive around town to pick up some Minnesota apples? Have a great week!


Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at