Brussels Express

A short documentary about bike messengers in Brussels, the most congested city in Europe with only 4% cycling traffic. The film tells the story of how Brussels became dominated by the automobile and calls for space to be taken back in order to improve the quality of the city.

Starring: Karl-Heinz Pohl & Karel Rowies (PedalBxl), Klaus Bondam (Former Major of Kopenhagen), Danny Smagghe (Touring), Jonathan Borms (Fixerati Brussels), Roel De Cleen (Association of Cyclists), Jean-Philippe Gerkens (Bicycle Point – Central Station)

Matty Lang

About Matty Lang

Matty Lang has been interested in land use, transportation, and cities since he fell in love with Paris, France while studying there in 1998-1999. He is a filmmaker living in Minneapolis. He loves film, bicycling, and basketball. Follow him: Vimeo | @MattyLangMSP | Facebook