Free Metro Transit on Election Day, November 4th, 2014

metro map downtownThe 2014 elections are just a week away, and thanks to a new law, bus service, light rail service, and commuter rail service provided by public transit including Metro Transit will be free of charge next Tuesday.  Find your polling place at MN Votes’ poll finder, and then use Metro’s interactive trip planner to plan your trip in the metro area. In greater Minnesota, check the website of your local transit system.

All polling places, as required by state and federal law, are also ADA accessible, including curb cuts, voting booths with chair or wheelchair accommodations, and other disability-based accommodations.

Minnesota Public Radio has a cool tool on their web page called “Select A Candidate”. The tool presents a series of questions to help you determine which state-level candidates align with your views most closely.

For more information about Minnesota’s elections, visit MN Votes.

Most importantly, go vote next Tuesday!

Rebecca Airmet

About Rebecca Airmet

Rebecca is a Twin Cities transplant from the mountain west. She is an editor, writer, and bicycle advocate with Saint Paul Women on Bikes. She enjoys riding fast and far with her husband and nice and easy with her kids.