Report of the Day: US Bikeshare Systems & Connections to Transit

Map showing location and relative size of bikeshare systems across the United States

Map showing the location and relative size of bikeshare systems across the United States. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database (as of Feb. 2, 2016)

Wondering about connections between bikeshare and transit systems across the United States? Well, you’re in luck! A brief new report from USDOT is now available.

Antonio Rosell

About Antonio Rosell

Antonio M. Rosell, P.E., AICP is founder and Director of Community Design Group (CDG), a consulting firm specializing in pedestrian and bicycle planning, placemaking and urban design, and community engagement. Although he doesn't very often write for Streets.MN, he might start doing so soon (very soon!). In the meantime, you can find him (occasionally) at @comdesgrp.