National Links: Tunnels, Air Trains, and Skyscrapers

Every day at The Direct Transfer we collect news about cities and send the links to our email list.  At the end of the week we take some of the most popular stories and post them to Greater Greater Washington, a group blog similar to that focuses on urban issues in the DC region.  They are national links, sometimes entertaining and sometimes absurd, but hopefully useful.

Elon Musk has tunnel vision: Tired of getting stuck in traffic between work and home, famed entrepreneur Elon Musk has decided tunnels are a possible answer to his woes. After some cryptic tweets, Musk has started building a tunnel between his Space X office and the office parking garage. He recently unveiled pictures of the process, but the point of the exercise is still unclear; it might actually be for a Mars mission. (Futurism)

Is New York’s governor championing a sure failure?: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is hell bent on building a rail line— an “AirTrain,” to be specific— to LaGuardia Airport despite numerous studies saying it’s a bad idea. Cuomo says the idea will succeed if the line goes along a freeway where it won’t meet opposition from neighbors. The problem is that would mean the line wouldn’t connect to anywhere lots of people want to go. (Village Voice)

Radiation levels are still astronomically high in Japan: Japan’s Fukishima nuclear power plant is experiencing radiation at 100 times the amount that will kill a human. Even the robots that inspect the area are melting faster than they should. After 2011’s earthquake and tsunami, a 20 kilometer (12 miles) radius around the plant was evacuated, and residents have yet to return to their homes; the cleanup is expected to take 40 years in total. (Huffington Post)

California Republicans see daylight for killing a transit project: Right now, over $600 million is set aside to electrify Caltrain, which carries riders in the San Francisco area. The project is expected to speed up trains and reduce waiting times for thousands of commuters. California Republicans are trying to kill the effort because without it, a high-speed rail network—which they oppose—can’t be built. (San Francisco Chronicle)

Life, up high: Skyscrapers are rising all over the world almost faster than you can count, and for those that live in them, it’s a special experience. In this article, skyscraper residents from around the globe tell what it’s like to live up high. Personally, I’m still amazed they enjoy it… especially the ones who say they’re also afraid of heights! (Guardian)

Transit Trends Episode 10

This week on Transit Trends, we chat with Jeff Allen, the executive director of Drive Oregon, about the future of electric mobility.

Crossposted at Greater Greater Washington

Jeff Wood

About Jeff Wood

Jeff Wood is an urban planner focused on transportation and land use issues living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. Jeff blogs at The Overhead Wire and tweets @theoverheadwire. He also shares news links daily from around the country on issues related to cities at The Direct Transfer