Sunday Summary – November 5, 2017

By the time you’re reading this, your devices should tell you Daylight Savings Time has ended and perhaps you’ve reset the non-internet devices. It’s also Guy Fawkes Day, an observance of no relevance for Minnesota, but it could be an excuse for fireworks anyway.

Election day is this Tuesday, November 7, 2017 and so listening to Podcast #107: Minneapolis Elections Explainer with David Brauer is well-timed with Bill Lindeke’s conversation with Minneapolis journalist David Brauer about “the election, both the big picture of Minneapolis political history, some of the different mayoral candidates, and also a bit of a ward-by-ward discussion of some of the Council seats.”

And We Want You to Join the Board! This invitation is open until November 13, 2017 since we’re “looking for people from all parts of Minnesota. And because we’re a working board, part of an all-volunteer organization, we’re looking for people with a diverse range of skills, backgrounds, and interests.”

Transit and change

Traffic and Transit:1949 vs 2017 by Aaron Isaacs sifts through data to see how traffic counts and transit ridership have changed since 1949.  The post looks at traffic counts and how they’ve changed with the construction of freeways through Minneapolis and Saint Paul, at transit ridership, and more.

The 1949 traffic volumes map.


The sidewalk holiday

Morningside Edina Passes the Trick-or-Treat Walkability Test by Lou Miranda finds that with “Narrow streets & lots, plentiful sidewalks & lighting, a tree canopy, street-friendly housing, and a great walk score add up to a very pedestrian-friendly neighborhood that kids of all ages go trick-or-treating on. Morningside passes the Trick-or-Treat Walkability Test with flying colors.” More on Halloween as a holiday which tells us much about our neighborhoods from WIRED (2009 report on Zillow’s analysis for best trick-or-treating based on weighing Zillow’s Home Value Index, density, WalkScore, and crime data), Streetsblog (2013 post using the Zillow analysis and a Houston Chronicle story, too), and our own Bill Lindeke’s 2011 post on his TC Sidewalks blog.

Morningside, Edina

Quick looks

Map Monday: Metro Area Change In Volume of Low-Wage Jobs comes from Eric Roper’s “must-read article in the Star Tribune this weekend about suburban low-wage jobs and the challenge of transit for those workers. It has a bunch of interesting stories for people who think about transit, density, and employment.”

Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at