Change in Renters by Household Income

Sunday Summary – April 29, 2018

Here’s last week on


The A Line Works, Let’s Build More by William Schroeer shares some reactions to the A Line (“I really love the fact that it comes so often,” for example) and also provides information about funding for more aBRT : “Governor Dayton has proposed bonding for $50 million to fund more aBRT. The proposal itself does not specify which routes the funds should be used on. $35 million would almost certainly go to fully fund construction of the D Line along the route of Metro Transit’s #5 bus, the busiest bus line in Minnesota. Substantial additional money would go to advancing the B Line, aka Lake-Marshall between Minneapolis and Saint Paul.” There’s a link to contact your legislators to help move this along at the state legislature, too.

Not working so well, Dangerous Intersection: 4th St & Central Ave is another post by way of the Our Streets Mpls blog (this one written by Gordy Moore) about dangerous intersections for people walking. Take a look at this one and learn what Gordy saw one afternoon. You’re also invited to submit your dangerous intersection story.

Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan and privilege, continued

What Is The Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan? is a helpful introduction from Anna Nelson to underpin the conversation about what the draft plan includes. In addition to an overview of the plan, there are some helpful links for ways to get involved with the plan as it moves through the comment period to final adoption.

Seizing on one aspect of the Comp Plan recommendations Is Home Ownership Out of Reach?, Anton Schieffer writes, “A concern I’ve heard repeatedly about the draft Comp Plan is that it doesn’t address home ownership. While home ownership has its advantages (as does renting), it’s also inaccessible to a large and growing number of people in our city. Renters are more likely to have lower incomes and to be people of color. It might surprise you to learn that renters are a straight-up majority of people in Minneapolis. It’s vital that the Comp Plan not ignore the needs of renters, whether they rent by choice or necessity.”

Check Yourself: Discussing Privilege adds another layer to the discussion of Carol Becker’s post The Privilege of the Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan. Highlighting Ms Becker’s comments about disability as a reason driving is important, Joe Totten expands the conversation on disability by telling us about his brother with Down Syndrome who cannot drive, but can move independently on a trike and moving on to considering how Minneapolis could plan for a system which serves everyone better.

Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan 2042

Quick looks, more links, longer listens, even longer walks

Charts: Three charts this week with Airport Travel Time for US Cities, Transit vs. Cabs where Minneapolis is the fastest (and only one of three) cities where transit is faster than a cab (including wait time).  New Housing Growth by Type and Region is really three charts about housing from Brookings showing new housing both new construction and other mechanisms (conversions, for example), as well as housing loss and the housing stock trends. The third, US Median Floor Area Per Capita Trends shows the increase in how much space per capita people occupy, but read the comments about the flaws in the chart, too.

Map: Map Monday: Subway Map of the Twin Cities imagines a subway system based on the location of Subway sandwich shops.

Links: More links from around the country from The Overhead Wire with National Links: Shoup is Back! (Yes, Donald Shoup has a new book out).

Listen: Deep North Podcast: The Artist Life in MSP is the latest Deep North Podcast: “Despite overwhelming participation in the arts, Minnesota artists receive limited national and international attention. So, if artists remain in Minneapolis/St. Paul, can they make a living? On this episode, we speak with people creating and ask how they’re doing.  Checking on if, in a city that prides itself on arts and culture, it is indeed possible to live the artist life in MSP.”

Walk: Walking All the Streets in Ericsson (Day 1) in which Max Hailperin takes to south Minneapolis between Cedar and Hiawatha Avenues for more architecture, food, curiosities, and stories.

Time from downtown to the airport by cab and transit





Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at