Author: Joseph Totten

Joseph Totten

Joseph Totten

Joe is a graduate of Civil Engineering-Transportation and Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota, and has a masters degree from Portland State University. Born and raised in Saint Paul, Joe has worked with nonprofits and public agencies in MSP and Portland.

Dale Street Needs a Diet

Sweeny’s Saloon has a parking lot across Dale Street from the bar. While COVID-19 might reduce the bar’s crowding, it should not prevent safety improvements! My parents and I live relatively close to each other, only about a 3 block walk separates my apartment and their townhome. As such, when my printer is giving me […]

Check Yourself: Discussing Privilege

When Carol Becker posted on The Privilege of the Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan, I disagreed with most of her points but I still came away with one central theme. It is clear that board member Becker does not see herself reflected in the Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan draft, its influences and consequences on her life are glossed over. […]

Into the Weeds on Safety and Cell Phones

Recently state representatives Mark Uglem and Frank Hornstein introduced a bill to the Minnesota Legislature to criminalize talking on a handheld cell phone while driving. The benefits of this bill are sold to be increased safety, particularly from having two hands ready and on the wheel at all times, and easier enforcement of the texting […]

New Karaoke Favorite – Roundabouts Explained in a Song

Listen to this song about roundabouts from writer, Joe Totten. If you ever needed to know: 1) How to drive through a roundabout 2) Why roundabouts are seen as safer 3) Why roundabouts are seen as more environmentally friendly and reduce driver delays, or 4) Roundabout (neighborhood traffic circle) use in traffic calming, this […]

Route 54 Ridership and Why We Cannot Skip the Route to the Airport

Recently, posts about the Riverview Corridor have been generating a LOT of comments on One of these posts suggested that, in order to ensure the old Ford factory in Highland Park develops in a way that would not be thoroughly suburban, that the Riverview Corridor should be rerouted through Highland Park on the old […]

Saint Paul’s New Meter Hours

Saint Paul has extended the hours of enforcement on its downtown parking meters starting this week, and already I have seen results which made me gleeful. The City Council had an event at the Ordway Theater. Being the horrible urbanist that I am, I drove myself, and no one else, to the event and began […]

Improvements for Cyclists on Ford Parkway and Montreal Avenue

Newly painted (and completely reconstructed) Montreal Avenue and Ford Parkway are now open. Both roads incorporate ways to keep the roads more safe, and inviting, especially to our neighbors who are outside of a car. There were a few improvements to be desired, but I must commend the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County […]