Yard 2bsign

Festivus 2018: Triplexes For the Rest Of Us!

Tomorrow is Festivus! Join us in honoring this celebration with appropriate decor and activities.

The Festivus Pole

We shall start the observance with a pole. While the traditional Festivus pole is aluminum, we feel that a proper Festivus pole for 2018 is the aluminum posts that hold up yard signs, no matter how ridiculous the signs.

Yard 2bsign

Two signs, atop four Festivus poles. Gotta take the signs off, though. Which might be an improvement? Image courtesy of WedgeLIVE.

The Airing of Grievances

Next, we shall begin the Airing of Grievances! The list is long, but we’re doing this Saturday rather than Sunday so that Betsey doesn’t add to the grievances by having it drop onto the Sunday Summary like a bulldozer.

The challenge here is that a grievance seems petty, and so much of this year was full of things that were not in the least petty. They were pretty serious stuff!

  • e-democracy.
  • All of the breathless “bulldozer” stuff from people, because changing zoning codes doesn’t mean everything that already exists will be torn down!
  • “No one bikes in winter.”
  • FedEx trucks in the bike lane. Especially in winter.
  • Insurance people who wrote the crap about how you need to wear helmets on scooters. (Hint: No one does!)
  • Triplexes instead of fourplexes, and even fourplexes instead of “something reasonable in height and setback for the lot, mmkay?”
  • That giant SUV who gets mad at me for respecting the 30 zone on University in NE Minneapolis.
  • Pig’s Eye has not yet been adopted as St. Paul’s official mascot.

As usual, our intrepid readers have shared some grievances!



Feats of Strength

For Feats of Strength training, it’s time to clear walks and corners and bus stops, okay? You can also tow a trailer with a Christmas tree in it by bike, or hold a canned food drive in which all your neighbors fill said trailer with canned goods while you sing happy songs. (Please send video.)

Cities, get your plows on those parking-adjacent bike lanes already, wielding mighty plow blades.

Your Turn

Dear readers, please share with us your Festivus observances, including any Festivus miracles you may see today and tomorrow. Did someone shovel the walk? Give you cookies?

About Julie Kosbab

Julie Kosbab is an online marketing consultant and active transportation advocate living in Anoka County, Minnesota. She was one of Minnesota's only League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors when certified in 2005, and is no longer lonely in that calling. A past member of the National Bicycle Tour Directors Association, she has 2 children and a garage full of bicycles. Find her on Twitter as @betweenstations, or read her (seldom updated) blog at Ride Boldly!