Trump Pence

Manufacturing Consent: A Timeline of Policing and Propaganda in Minneapolis

Minneapolis Riot Police on Plymouth Ave, 1967

Plymouth Avenue North in July 1967. MNHS via MPD150

Minneapolis Police in Riot Gear outside the fourth precinct in November 2015

Plymouth Avenue North in November 2015. Note the deliberate and complete hyper-militarization after five decades of continuously increasing public investment. Richard Tsong-Taatarii / Star Tribune via AP

[content warning/trigger warning: gun violence, police violence, murder, anti-Black and anti-Native abuse, r*pe, assault]

The Metropolitan Police Department, the first municipal police force in the world, is created in London. The first American police force forms in Boston 17 years later.

Minneapolis incorporates and the City Council establishes the Minneapolis Police Department, which takes only 36 years to earn the title “The Shame of Minneapolis” due to its legendary corruption and racketeering.

The Citizens’ Alliance, a rightwing group representing downtown business interests, forms and spends the next half-century increasingly cementing the Minneapolis Police Department as its personal militia for enforcing anti-labor interests.

Minneapolis police open fire downtown during the Minneapolis General Strike and kill two workers on Bloody Friday. Downtown business interests later invent Aquatennial to overshadow the annual “Teamster Picnics” celebrating the successful strike.

The first Civilian Review Board is established and fails to create meaningful structural change, the same outcome as any other reform-based approach to follow.

Fed up with racist police interactions, community members form the Black Patrol, Soul Force and AIM Patrol to intervene and de-escalate potential violence. After AIM Patrol’s first six months, the percentage of the Native population in jail dropped from 70 percent to 10 percent. Community patrols predate the police and continue to this day.

Minneapolis police kill Black elders Lillian Wallace and Lloyd Smalley during a botched SWAT raid, a not-uncommon occurrence that “tarnished” the city’s image. Enraged residents, including the current Minnesota Attorney General, demand reforms.

In response to a call, Minneapolis police shoot and kill 17-year-old Black resident Tycel Nelson as he is running away. Enraged residents demand reform. Violent crime peaks in Minneapolis and America and steadily declines for the next three decades without interruption.

Metro Transit police severely beat an elderly Black man for lack of fare, and furious youth later ambush and kill Minneapolis police officer Jerry Haaf. The Minneapolis Police Department begins terrorizing residents, using tactics including Rough Rides of Native residents, kidnapping, rape, extortion and opening fire at Little Earth.

In response to a call, Minneapolis police shoot unarmed Black resident Dominic Felder in the back, killing him in the midst of a nervous breakdown. Later that year Minneapolis police run over 19-year-old Hmong resident Fong Lee on his bicycle and shoot him 3 times in the back, then shoot another 5 times more as his body lay on the ground. The officer involved is acquitted.

Five Black Minneapolis police officers – including the current Chief of Police – sue the department for racial discrimination, settling with the city for a record $2 million. The majority of the money is earmarked for (but not required to be spent on) “reform.”

In response to a call, Minneapolis police kill 28-year-old Black resident David Smith in the midst of a mental health crisis downtown, suffocating him to death under a prone restraint. Later that year Hmong resident Jason Yang dies under mysterious circumstances after encountering the Minneapolis police downtown at bar close. Violent crime in Minneapolis bottoms out and remains at historic lows throughout the decade.

In response to a call, Minneapolis police corner unarmed 22-year-old Black resident Terrance Franklin in a Lyn-Lake basement, shoot and kill him. An hour later Minneapolis police run over and kill resident Ivan Romero in the intersection of 26th and Blaisdell while on the way to the scene. The then-new (lesbian) Chief of Police, who had previously sued the department for sex discrimination, says reform is coming.

#Pointergate becomes the first baseless local performative law-and-order outrage in the new Black Lives Matter era. Glen Taylor, a North Mankato-based downtown Minneapolis sports billionaire, purchases the local paper of record, promising a deliberate rightward lurch over time.

Image result for #pointergate

Mayor Betsy Hodges points at a resident while posing for a picture during a Get Out the Vote doorknock, the basis of #Pointergate. It is not the first time the mayor has pointed at a resident while posing for a picture.

Minneapolis police kill 24-year-old Black resident Jamar Clark, shooting him in the face in response to an ambulance call. Residents occupy the nearby Fourth Precinct for the next 18 days to protest and build community, during which the Minneapolis police point assault weapons in the faces of current and future City Council members.

In response to a call, Minneapolis police shoot and kill 40-year-old white resident and Australian national Justine Ruszczyk Damond, sparking international outrage.

In response to a call, Minneapolis police shoot and kill 31-year-old Black resident Thurman Blevins as he is running away. Six months later Minneapolis police shoot and kill 36-year-old Black resident Travis Jordan in his front yard during a welfare check. Three weeks later the City Council votes down the mayor’s request to increase the police budget by $12 million annually, choosing instead to invest in upstream safety measures.

2019 (according to the Minneapolis-based Star-Tribune)



Glen Stubbe / Star-Tribune






Police Federation President Bob Kroll in his “Cops for Trump” T-shirt after introducing President Trump at his October 10 rally in downtown Minneapolis. Richard Tsong-Taatarii / Star Tribune via AP

  • Monday, October 7, 10:47 p.m.
    Detention sought for young repeat Minneapolis offenders
    Policy change meant to address Mpls. crime wave.
    — tl;dr perception of increased crime downtown is tied to one specific group. Minors from the group are diverted from jail to the Juvenile Supervision Center, where some 10 percent to 13 percent walk out after waiting up to 10 hours to be offered shelter or a guardian. Because the jail has significantly more resources than diversion programs, repeat offenders will be sent to jail insteadImageImage
Devin Hogan

About Devin Hogan

Devin Hogan is an urban market gardener and a local major political party chair. His posts will always represent the former instead of the latter. Devin has a professional Master's degree in Global Bureaucratic Neoliberalism (International Development Practice) from the Humphrey School. As an avid biker, drummer, and queer person, he has been happy to call the Lyndale neighborhood of Minneapolis home since 2010.