Author: Devin Hogan

Devin Hogan

Devin Hogan

Devin Hogan is an urban market gardener and a local major political party chair. His posts will always represent the former instead of the latter. Devin has a professional Master's degree in Global Bureaucratic Neoliberalism (International Development Practice) from the Humphrey School. As an avid biker, drummer, and queer person, he has been happy to call the Lyndale neighborhood of Minneapolis home since 2010.

Trump Pence

Manufacturing Consent: A Timeline of Policing and Propaganda in Minneapolis

[content warning/trigger warning: gun violence, police violence, murder, anti-Black and anti-Native abuse, r*pe, assault] 1821 The Metropolitan Police Department, the first municipal police force in the world, is created in London. The first American police force forms in Boston 17 years later. 1867 Minneapolis incorporates and the City Council establishes the Minneapolis Police Department, which […]


Minneapolis Market Check: 2-bed / 1-Bath Units in Lyndale

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Lyndale neighborhood in Minneapolis contains a full healthy stock of small, medium, and large buildings that have been invested in and stabilized over many decades. At the height of 1980s urban decline and until 2007, various civic organizations pressed deadbeat landlords into cleaning up their properties and/or selling them to the neighborhood itself. This […]

Lyndale Police District

Minneapolis Does Not Need More Police

Lyndale neighborhood, the only place I’ve lived and known as home in Minnesota, hosts the Fifth Precinct of the Minneapolis Police Department three blocks north of my apartment and garden on Nicollet Avenue. There is a community room meeting the corner of 31st Street with floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides, an architectural manifestation of the […]

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Nicollet Island: Seeing the Forest for the Trees

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ometimes people ask if I am bummed to not win last year’s Minneapolis Park & Rec Board race and my answer is always a resounding No. Five seats flipped and my Big Ideas won, along with a new majority ready to implement the same goals. A personal favorite, the Triangle Improvement Plan, was fully and […]