Statement on Killing of George Floyd

George Floyd Memorial at 38th and ChicagoThe killing of George Floyd was a horrific event that highlights not only deeply embedded social inequalities but also the structural inequalities in our urban planning and built environment. In fact, these two are deeply intertwined. We condemn the actions of Derek Chauvin of the Minneapolis Police Department, as well as fellow MPD officers Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane who could have intervened and prevented the killing of Mr. Floyd. supports the rights of citizens around the world to protest.

At, one of our core values is to empower and include people of all ages, especially the vulnerable and marginalized. We choose to amplify those voices and welcome written contributions from residents of diverse backgrounds, discussing how streets, planning and infrastructure create and continue inequality. wants to create conversations that make more equitable cities.
We implore all of our readers and community members, both in Minneapolis/St. Paul and beyond, to get involved in matters of racial justice and community building. If you are able, please donate your time and money to one or more of the organizations listed at Reclaim the Block or MSP Magazine.
Peace and Justice,

— The Board of

About Katie Emory

Katie Emory is a Master's candidate in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Minnesota. She is a strong believer in the healing powers of better transportation infrastructure and policy for our minds, bodies and planet. Outside of school and work you might find her doing yoga, embroidery, or spending time with her cat, Mika.