Current recommended design for Hennepin Ave

Final Virtual Open House for Hennepin Ave S Reconstruction: January 13, 2022 @ 4:30 p.m.

Photo of one of the many signs near and along Hennepin Ave to invite folks to attend the virtual open house to learn more about the recommended design for Hennepin Ave S reconstruction

Today is the Day!

City of Minneapolis Public Works staff will host a virtual open house to present the recommended design for Hennepin Ave S and include some time for questions to be answered. The recommendation from staff, which will be presented to the City Council and Mayor Frey, includes:

  • 24/7 dedicated bus lanes for more efficient transit service which will include the new E Line Bus Rapid Transit
  • Pedestrian-oriented improvements for safety and comfort for people walking
  • A two-way sidewalk-level bikeway between Lake Street and Franklin Avenue to improve safety and access for people biking
  • Two vehicle lanes, with left turn lanes at key intersections, similar to the design on Lyndale Avenue, south of 31st street, which ensure smooth and steady vehicle movement
  • Sufficient parking bays and loading zones to meet the documented demand
Cross section of the base recommended design showing width of space dedicated to the different design elements including sidewalks, dedicated bus lanes, and two way sidewalk level bikeway

How Did We Get Here?

Over the past three City Council terms, the City has adopted a number of policies to help guide Public Works staff when it comes to street design. If you were to review the Transportation Action Plan, Vision Zero Action Plan, Climate Action Plan, and Complete Streets Policy, you would not be at all surprised by the recommended design for this corridor. These policies identify this stretch of Hennepin as part of the High Injury Network and as having one of the most dangerous intersections (Lake St W and Hennepin Ave S) in the city. 

Additionally, Public Works staff have been gathering input and feedback for a long time – as in B.C. (Before COVID). The first open house was held in-person(!) in April 2018. Since then, there have been multiple virtual open houses held, with comment periods for people to weigh in and share their thoughts. Details related to the multiple rounds of engagement are documented and shared on the project website. Furthermore, the City held a first-of-its-kind “Engagement Advisory Committee” with area residents, businesses, and neighborhood association representatives to ensure all possible stakeholders were being engaged on the project.

Final Open House

Thursday, January 13th at 4:30 p.m. (that’s today!) will be the final open house. 

Click here to join the live event or by dialing +1 612-276-6670; conference ID: 984 231 313#

If you are unable to attend tonight, you can watch a pre-recorded presentation on the recommended layout.

Next Steps

Public Works staff are taking feedback through January 28 via this online feedback form. Submit your thoughts on the design ASAP! Staff will then present this recommended design, along with the community feedback collected, to the City Council likely in Quarter 1 or possibly early Quarter 2. The City Council will have the final say on the layout, so your input is essential.