An Energetic Cost Analysis Diagram Concluding the Superiority of Saint Paul

Since the dawn of time, philosophers have debated whether Minneapolis is really as great as it thinks it is. With the assistance of cutting-edge IBM Thinkpad 230t supercomputers equipped with Wacom data analyzers, urban theorists have finally proven what those of the Silver City have always known: Saint Paul rules and Minneapolis drools.

Eight panel comic:
1. 9am, bicyclist saying "weeee" commuting downhill to work in downtown St. Paul, represented by the "1st" building, from home
2: 5pm, person riding train uphill saying "Ahhhhhh" from work to home
3: "Downhill coast + uphill train = 0% effort!!"
4.  9am, person riding bike saying "UGH." on level path from home to work in Minneapolis
5. 5pm, same as panel 4, but bicyclist going in opposite direction and saying "Yeck."
6. "Pedal flat + pedal back = 200% effort!!"
7. "Saint Paul Rules! Minneapolis Drools"
8. "Happy April Fool's Day, xoxo, The Silver City"
Cost analysis diagram of energy exerted in bicycling commutes in St. Paul vs. Minneapolis

Enjoy that pedaling. Happy April Fool’s Day!

Daniel Choma

About Daniel Choma

Daniel Choma is a community advocate, a jazz musician, and a former bible salesman. He rides bikes, plays drums, and tells jokes. He can consume a bag of jelly beans faster than almost anyone.