Walk the Talk: Door knocking, Celebrating, Flag-ing and More

Editor’s note: Walk the Talk is Streets.mn’s carefully curated, highly partisan collection of both serious and fun-loving events, community meetings and opportunities for engagement that we think will interest our readers. Email your ideas to Hawken Habig, one of our daily editors, at [email protected].

Support a New State Flag!

Minnesota’s current controversial and somewhat mediocre flag: There is another way!

At the behest of this year’s state legislature, the Minnesota State Emblems Redesign Commission must settle upon a new flag and state seal for the North Star state. The commission solicited design suggestions from the general public until the end of October; now, it has released over 2,600 flag designs for viewing and commenting. Look through the vast array of comical and genuinely artful submissions yourself and leave a comment of support for the best pick! (My personal favorites are F29, F408 and F522; honorable mention, F156). For those interested in becoming more involved on the topic, consider joining the commission over Zoom for their weekly meetings on Tuesdays at 9 a.m.

Metro Transit Forward Events – Tuesday, November 14, 9 a.m. & Thursday, November 16, 6 p.m.

Metro Transit is still grappling with post-pandemic shifts in ridership, addressed primarily through its Network Now program. Today, emboldened by pro-transit legislative action (such as a recently implemented 1/4-cent metro sales tax), the agency is seeking to reassess its goals and values in an effort to develop an updated strategic plan. Metro Transit will be garnering feedback on the region’s transit system through its Forward initiative at two public events: Tuesday, November 14, at 9 a.m. in Union Depot’s Veteran’s Gallery Room, St. Paul; and Thursday, November 16, at 6 p.m. at the Minneapolis Central Library’s Pohlad Hall. All are welcome to attend and provide insights, complaints or suggestions for Metro Transit. More information on the initiative and events may be found here.

Doorknock for Twin Cities Boulevard – Saturday, November 11, 11 a.m.

As the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s efforts to Rethink the I-94 corridor between Minneapolis and St. Paul continue, Our Streets Minneapolis is teaming up with the local Twin Cities DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) chapter for a door-knocking campaign in support of the Twin Cities Boulevard concept. Volunteers will head to the Martin Luther King Recreation Center in St. Paul at 11 a.m. on November 11 for a brief yet thorough training, before heading out to encourage neighbors to support the project. More information on the event may be found here.

Sustain Saint Paul Community Celebration – Monday, November 13, 6 p.m.

Sustain Saint Paul advocates for substantive urban policy on transportation, housing and sustainability (more on their work here). This dynamic organization will host a community celebration with special guest Ward 4 City Councilmember Mitra Jalali — who was handily re-elected on November 7 — to look back on a successful year and look forward to the next. (The organization will also have a special announcement!) Take a look and RSVP for the event here!

All Aboard Minnesota’s 10th Anniversary Party – Saturday, November 18, 1:30 p.m.

All Aboard Minnesota — a non-profit that promotes passenger rail systems across Minnesota and the Upper Midwest — is celebrating its 10th anniversary on Saturday, November 18. As the state government takes steps to support rail transportation, now is a good time to celebrate achievements, reflect on the process and look to the future. The program will feature a number of special guests to discuss passenger rail in Minnesota and the efforts of All Aboard Minnesota. Registration is free but donations are highly appreciated! For an in-depth look at the organization and its efforts, check out the latest episode of the Streets.mn Podcast.

2023 Transportation Summit – Wednesday, November 15, 9 a.m.

Join Move Minneapolis for its 2023 Transportation Summit: Envisioning Downtown Streets That Prioritize People. The three-hour conference in downtown Minneapolis will feature speakers who will discuss the future of our downtown spaces, providing a vision for what is possible through the redesign of public space and transportation. The event is free, although spots are limited, and will include a catered breakfast by Food Gallery. For a full list of speakers and topics, visit the event webpage.

About Hawken Habig

Hawken is a student of Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and a copy editor at Streets.mn. He also composes Streets.mn's bi-weekly event listing "Walk the Talk;" email any ideas for events or opportunities to [email protected]!