Author: Max Hailperin

Max Hailperin

Max Hailperin

Max Hailperin's personal project is Minneapolis has 87 neighborhoods, including the three industrial areas. Some he knows well, others he has not yet entered. However, he has committed to explore all of them on foot: every block of every street in every neighborhood. He is working through the neighborhoods alphabetically, from Armatage to Windom Park, so as to focus in one area, then hop to somewhere else.

Walking All the Streets of Eastern McKinley

Don’t just scroll through this post looking at the photos. At a minimum, even if you don’t read the text, click the links. The most striking sights of this walk—several remarkable murals clustered on a single building—are only represented through links to external sources. I didn’t take any decent photos of them and am not […]

Sidewalk Art at Liberty Community Church

Walking All the Streets of Western McKinley

Visiting Minneapolis neighborhoods alphabetically generally prevents geographic continuity, but every once in a while the next neighborhood turns out to be adjacent. That happened moving from Marshall Terrace to McKinley, though the border down the middle of the Mississippi is traversable only on the Lowry Avenue bridge. I didn’t start with the adjacent part of McKinley; instead, […]

St. Anthony Parkway Bridge and Historical Plaza

Walking All the Streets of Marshall Terrace

Marshall Terrace is a substantially industrial neighborhood in Northeast Minneapolis, but from an era when living where one worked was considered normal. Its northern and southern borders are St. Anthony Parkway and Lowry Avenue NE; more consequentially, the neighborhood spans from BNSF’s Northtown (rail) Yard to the Mississippi River. My route started and ended at […]

City Waterworks (1898), 9th St. SE at 5th Ave. SE

Walking All the Streets of Upstream Marcy-Holmes

My final walk in the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood brought it together: Marcy and Holmes, electricity and water, flower and bee, art and industry. Less grandly, I walked around in circles looking at stuff. My first walk had covered the downstream section between 10th and 15th Avenues SE, my second the middle section between 5th and 10th Avenues SE, so now […]

Lynnhurst3 26

Walking All the Streets of Southeast Lynnhurst

Snow fell since my first and second walks in Lynnhurst, but it was still recognizably the same neighborhood with its predominance of single-family houses. The biggest novelty was that I walked along and across the main Minnehaha Creek as opposed to the little tributary draining Lake Harriet. My starting and ending point was at 50th Street West […]

Mpls Hardware Store

Walking All the Streets of Northeast Lynnhurst

A month after walking the northwest corner of Lynnhurst, I returned for the northeast. I again stayed north of 50th Street, a busy through-road one doesn’t lightly cross. This time I wound my way from Fremont Avenue to the neighborhood’s eastern boundary at Lyndale Avenue, then returned with a perpendicularly-oriented serpentine. Already from the prior day’s […]