Tag Archives: co2 emissions

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Chart of the Day: Total US Carbon Emissions, 1990-2018

Here’s some bad news for folks concerned about climate change: national greenhouse has emissions have gone up markedly over the last year. In a New York Times article today, Brad Plumer has a story about the 3% uptick over the last year. Here’s the chart: According to Plumer, there are a few reasons for the […]

Chart of the Day: Two Sectors of CO2 Emissions

You might have seen this chart making the rounds this week. It shows the relative size of US CO2 emissions according to electricity generation and transportation. Here’s the chart: The article, via Ritholz’ blog and Bloomberg News, talks about the reason for the shift. It has everything to do with change power grid in the […]

Chart of the Day: US CO2 Emissions Trends by Sector

Via Fast Company, here’s a chart showing the national CO2 emissions trends from 1990 to 2014, divided up by sector as a percentage of the whole. As you can see, though emissions relative to each other remain largely stable, there is clear trend where transportation emissions are becoming a larger piece of the pie. Here’s the chart: Charlie […]