Tag Archives: CO2

Chart of the Day: CO2 Emissions Reduction Projections

Here’s a lovely bit of data visualization for you, via the Information is Beautiful blog, that shows the CO2 footprint of our society and how it needs to change. First, the bad news, from this plan from New Internationalist Magazine: At least in the transportation and housing sector, the authors of this particular data viz […]

Mn Emissions Trends Chart Cu

Chart of the Day: Minnesota Transportation Emissions 2005-2016

In the midst of the polar vortex / rapid warming / re-cooling / wild temperature fluctuations that are linked to climate change, it’s worth re-reading this recent Minnpost piece about where Minnesota’s CO2 emissions are coming from. Transportation has become the largest culprit: In Greta Kaul’s article, she talks about the reasons behind these trends, […]