Tag Archives: Fulton

Walking All the Streets of Southwestern Fulton

The fourth and final fraction of my fall Fulton fieldwork consisted of the quadrant to the south of 50th Street West and to the west of Xerxes Avenue South, as shown in the following route map. As usual, the red lines show forward-and-back spurs off of the main loop and the light blue tint shows the full […]

Walking All the Streets of Southeastern Fulton

One look at the route map below makes clear that the southeast quadrant of the Fulton neighborhood is heavily influenced by Minnehaha Creek, unlike the northwest and northeast portions I walked previously. Not that this accounts for all I saw. For example, this quadrant also turns out to be the land of the former gas stations. As usual, the […]

Walking All the Streets of Northeastern Fulton

The Fulton neighborhood’s northeast corner is in Lake Harriet. Rather than wait for the lake to freeze, I started on the shoreline path at 47th Street West. The dark blue lines in the following route map show the main loop I took back to that spot, aside from one detour I took around a temporarily […]

Walking All the Streets Of Fulton from Farmers to France

I confess, “from Farmers to France” is more alliterative than strictly accurate. I started immediately adjacent to the Fulton Farmers Market, but I devoted a few minutes to the environs before going into the market itself. And I returned there at the end of the walk, after France Avenue. The Fulton neighborhood in southwest Minneapolis extends […]