Tag Archives: Project for Public Spaces

Sunday Summary – January 15, 2017

It’s been a very light week for posts, but we have one big picture post and one delightfully detail-filled post. In organizational news, the streets.mn board met for its regular meeting yesterday and we continue to work toward greater transparency and additional ways to engage with you, our readers and members. We’ll be working to […]

Tapping the Power of Place to Keep Us All Healthy

One number stands above all others as the best indicator of good health.  It’s not your blood pressure, cholesterol level, average daily calories or even the age at which your grandparents die.  It’s your zip code. This fact has sent shockwaves across the county.  The chief aspiration of American democracy is that everyone deserves an […]

Making Downtown East Commons a Great Place

This past weekend the Star Tribune reported the Minneapolis city staff have recommended approval of a $1.8 million contract with Hargreaves Associates to design Downtown East Commons, the 4.2 acre park proposed on two and one half blocks near the new Wells Fargo campus and Minnesota Vikings stadium. The park and campus are being developed […]