Tag Archives: real estate

National Links: 100 Years of Auto Centricity

A weekly roundup of links from The Overhead Wire, a national streets-focused blog. This week: a century of automotive tyranny, a different kind of speculation on the housing market and how to make transit projects cheaper.

Map Monday: Twin Cities Diversity Trends by Neighborhood, 2000 – 2017

The New York Times published a compelling map-based article this weekend about how white and non-white ratios are changing in neighborhoods around the United States. Their key thesis is that white homebuyers are rapidly changing the demographics and real estate values of neighborhoods that have long been home for people of color in many US […]

Map Monday: Minneapolis Home Values Minus Purchase Price

Here’s a fascinating map put together by Scott Shaffer for a new post on the blog of streets.mn Board alum Nick Magrino. It shows the current home values of homes in the city minus their purchase price, or as Magrino states “a rough way of estimating how much equity people have on top of whatever […]

Chart of the Day: Median Net Worth by Race over Time

This chart explains more about the key social dynamics of our cities than anything else out that I’ve ever put up here, IMO. Here it is, from a recent City Observatory article by Joe Cortright: (Note: the blue line is way higher than the red line.) Cortright’s Observatory analysis references an earlier New York Times article […]

Chart of the Day: Twin Cities Homeownership by Race

Here’s a chart from a must-read Jim Buchta article in this weekend’s Star Tribune, on the homeownership trends in the Twin Cities metro. Check it out: The piece includes a whole bunch of troublesome data from the Census Bureau, and caps it off with a few individual stories of people trying to buy homes. Here’s […]

Map of the Day: Metro Housing Price Changes over Time

Via the Washington Post, here’s a fun map of Minneapolis showing the percentage change in average home prices in Minneapolis (and other cities too). The map supports the basic “return to the city” argument, about how more people are moving into the urban core. Here’s the 15-year trend:   The article looks at a few […]

Chart of the Day: Housing Supply in Four Saint Paul Neighborhoods

Via St. Paul Real Estate blog, a chart showing how housing supply (or “how long it would take to sell all of the houses that are currently for sale at the current rate they are being purchased or absorbed”) has changed in four “hot” Saint Paul neighborhoods. Frankly, I don’t know what this means. Hamline-Midway […]