Chart of the Day: Edina Bike/Walk Count Results, Year-to-Year

Disclaimer, I work for the City of Edina, and made these charts for a presentation to the Edina Transportation Commission.

The following chart shows data from 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2014, from 4-6 PM. The counts were in the northern half of Edina. It’s interesting to note how both walking and biking have their dips, but together they’ve been increasing as a form of transportation.

Streets Chart of Day (EDINA BIKEPED SLIDE) 1

The counts for these areas were taken at Interlachen and Blake; 44th and Brookside; and 54th and Wooddale. 2011 counts and prior were conducted by Transit for Livable CommunitiesBike Walk Twin Cities, and the Bike Edina Task Force.

You can see the whole presentation here, close to the 30 minute mark. OR you can stay tuned for more future Charts of the Day!


Joseph Totten

About Joseph Totten

Joe is a graduate of Civil Engineering-Transportation and Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota, and has a masters degree from Portland State University. Born and raised in Saint Paul, Joe has worked with nonprofits and public agencies in MSP and Portland.