9th Street in Downtown Minneapolis

Help Improve Bikeways on 9th and 10th Street in Downtown Minneapolis

I’m on a workgroup through Our Streets Mpls, and I’m asking you to show your support for safer bikeways through downtown, specifically on 9th and 10th streets. These streets were added to the Bicycle Master Plan back in 2016, but there is currently no plan or schedule for improvement.

Currently, the infrastructure afforded to me and my fellow cyclists on these streets is a stripe of paint and some well-wishes. I believe we need more than that, and I’m asking Minneapolis Public Works to put these streets on the list for improvement by 2020.

14' sidewalk, 6' planting strip buffered bike lane, parking lane, turn lane, driving lane, driving lane, transit shelter, 6' sidewalk

One proposal, not significantly different from the existing streetscape but adding critical safety features. Buildings not to scale.


I’m asking the following, of you the reader:

  • Please take this survey, putting your name on a list showing you support improvements to 9th & 10th.
  • Get a friend or three to take the survey.

If you’re interested in advocating for improvements to downtown bikeways with me, please come to a meeting, the next one is November 5th!