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Map Monday: Transit Oriented Development Public Parcels Map

Via the Met Council comes this interactive map of transit-oriented public parcels that can be developed. It allows you to search and view publicly owned parcels of land within 1/2 mile of select existing and planned transit facilities.

The parcel dataset used for this map was derived from the MetroGIS Regional Parcel Dataset, and is the result of a pilot project conducted by Metro Transit’s Transit Oriented Development Office (TOD). The purpose of this pilot project is to increase awareness of publicly owned parcel locations in relation to select transit station areas and facilitate transit oriented development analyses.

This map can be manipulated and searched. For those with GIS software, the Public Parcel shapefile and/or geodatabase can be downloaded for additional manipulation.


About Julie Kosbab

Julie Kosbab is an online marketing consultant and active transportation advocate living in Anoka County, Minnesota. She was one of Minnesota's only League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors when certified in 2005, and is no longer lonely in that calling. A past member of the National Bicycle Tour Directors Association, she has 2 children and a garage full of bicycles. Find her on Twitter as @betweenstations, or read her (seldom updated) blog at Ride Boldly!