Friday, August 16th: Join Us For Happy Hour + One Final Ride On The Midnight Bus From Wayzata

Metro Transit buses wait for passengers at the Wayzata Park and Ride on May 6, 2019.

Metro Transit buses wait for passengers at the Wayzata Park and Ride on May 6, 2019.

Join the Events Committee for one final ride on the midnight bus from Wayzata on Friday, August 16!

Two years ago, as part of Metro Transit’s restructuring of transit service to better serve the West End, they introduced the 645 for workers along the 394 corridor. The 645, like the 675 it replaced, operates from Mound to Minneapolis with three major differences:

  • Unlike the 675, the 645 does not operate on the freeway between Louisiana Transit Center and West End
  • The 645 actually serves the West End
  • The 645 has three additional eastbound trips on weekday evenings

The three additional eastbound trips are:

  • One trip that departs Wayzata at 9:15pm, to accommodate people getting off work from The Cheesecake Factory at Ridgedale
  • One trip that departs the West End at 11:15pm
  • One trip that departs Wayzata shortly after midnight, at 12:09am

One of these trips – the midnight bus from Wayzata – will be eliminated starting August 17. As of press time, Metro Transit didn’t respond to requests for comment as to why the trip was being eliminated, or even how the trip came about in the first place. However, their website mentions that it is being eliminated because of low ridership

However, a source from inside the agency – who I will not name – mentioned that the Wayzata Chamber of Commerce reached out to Metro Transit to add a midnight trip so Wayzata workers could get home. And Metro Transit obliged. 

According to the same source, the Wayzata Chamber of Commerce also originally requested a 2am trip. However, Metro Transit decided not to move forward with it because of the lack of transfer options in Downtown Minneapolis. The Chamber did not comment about the upcoming changes when I called them on Wednesday. 

None of us – as far as I know – have been on the midnight bus, so we don’t know how it’s doing. Which is why we would like to invite you to ride it with us from Wayzata! 

On August 16, we will meet at 7th & Nicollet at 9pm, by the northbound stop. We will then head over to Marquette & 7th to catch the last bus to Wayzata at 9:15pm. That bus will arrive at Wayzata shortly after 10pm, which gives us two hours to wander and get the last of the Happy Hour from Wayzata Bar & Grill

Then, just before midnight, we will head over to the Wayzata Park & Ride, where we will board the final midnight bus. That bus will take us back to Downtown Minneapolis by around 12:50am, just in time to see the parade of overnight buses lining up at 7th & Nicollet.

If you come and wonder who to look for, look for myself in a transit-oriented t-shirt (or if it rains, donning a rain bucket hat) or Jeb in a purple polo.

Click here to view the schedule for the 645.

Ride Itinerary

  • 9:00pm – 9:10pm: Meet at 7th & Nicollet
  • 9:15pm – 10:01pm: Ride the 645 from Marquette & 7th to Wayzata Park & Ride
  • 10:01pm – 10:30pm: Walk/Wander/Discuss from the Park & Ride to Wayzata Bar & Grill
  • 10:30pm – 11:45pm: Happy Hour at Wayzata Bar & Grill
  • 11:45pm – 12:00am: Wander back to Wayzata Park & Ride
  • 12:09am – 12:50am: Ride the final midnight trip on the 645 back to 2nd & 6th
  • 12:50am – 1:10am: Walk to 7th & Nicollet, debrief, and get on your bus home
Map of the route from Downtown Minneapolis to Wayzata on the 645. Source: Google Maps

Map of the route from Downtown Minneapolis to Wayzata on the 645. Source: Google Maps


Map of the walk from Wayzata Park & Ride to Wayzata Bar & Grill. Source: Google Maps.

Map of the walk from Wayzata Park & Ride to Wayzata Bar & Grill. Source: Google Maps.


What Routes Operate After Midnight?

You may be concerned about being stranded when we get back. No worries; some routes will operate past midnight. All trips depart at 1:10am from 7th & Nicollet unless otherwise noted.

  • Asterisks (*) indicate that there is also a bus on this same route that departs at 2:10am.
  • indicates that there is a later (within the hour) departure of the same route, but not on the same branch.
  • &  indicate a route operating 24 hours and departs at 10 past the hour.
  • $ signs indicate a route operating 24 hours and departs at 10 past the hour, but not necessarily on that branch.
Heading To… Take Routes…
St. Paul West of Downtown
  • 3A (@ 1:21)
  • Green Line (@ 1:21)$
Uptown and Southwest suburbs
  • 4P†
  • 6C*
  • 17D
South Minneapolis
  • 5E$
  • 9A
  • 11A
  • 14B
  • 18D$
  • 22H
North Minneapolis and Brooklyn Center
  • 5M$
  • C Line
  • 22B
Northeast Minneapolis
  • 10C&
  • 11C
  • 17W
H. Jiahong Pan 潘嘉宏

About H. Jiahong Pan 潘嘉宏

H. Jiahong Pan 潘嘉宏 (pronouns: they/them/theirs) is a Minneapolis-based introverted freelance journalist who reports primarily on their lifelong passion: transportation issues. Find them on a bus of all types, the sidewalk, bike lane, hiking trail or perhaps the occasional carshare vehicle, camera and perhaps watercolor set or mushroom brush in tow, in your community or state or regional park regardless of season. If you can’t find them, they’re probably cooking, writing, curating an archive of wall art or brochures, playing board games, sewing or cuddling with their cat. Follow on Twitter: @h_pan3 or Instagram: @hpphmore or on BlueSky: hpan3 dot bsky dot social See bylines after March 2020 in Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder, Racket, Minnesota Reformer, Next City, The Guardian, Daily Yonder and MinnPost.

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