Pedestrian Infrastructure Alignment Chart

A D&D alignment chart of pedestrian infrastructure

All images are ruthlessly stolen, many from this fine website’s archives.



Lawful good: Sabo Bridge. High above the car traffic, Sabo Bridge provides a safe, comfortable, and extremely legal way to cross Hiawatha (as long as you’re not in a hurry).

Neutral good: Nicollet Mall. Undeniably good, but for the light timing issues.

Chaotic good: Crossing Snelling Ave in front of the Loons stadium scramble-style diagonally whenever you want because there’s never actually cars on that other road so when you get the signal to cross Snelling it’s go time.

Lawful neutral: Lake/Marshall Ave Bridge. Nice view, good cement barriers, but you can hear the roar of the cars and smell their stink up close.

True neutral: The Bruce Vento Trail just so happens to run past a MNDoT materials testing facility. Hmmm. Anyway, it appears to be a rail-to-trail conversion project, which is nice. Too bad it doesn’t go much of anywhere.

Chaotic neutral: Stone Arch Bridge. The ped/bike lanes are suggestions at best and I’ve caused near-misses as both a ped and a cyclist here.

Lawful evil: Snelling Ave bridge over 94. It’s to code, but not a code that a pedestrian would have written.

Neutral evil: Franklin Ave. The non-ADA compliant sidewalks don’t care about you or your bags of groceries.

Chaotic evil: Closing sidewalks while car lanes are open. Most recent personal example was on Robert St between 9th and 7th a couple months ago while they were putting in the heated sidewalk for the new fancy condos. I walked in the street against the flow of rush hour traffic, and live to tell the tale.

Pine Salica

About Pine Salica

Pine lives in Minneapolis and works in Saint Paul. Pine hasn't owned a car for over a dozen years, and can count on one hand the number of times they've operated one in the last 12 months. Housing is a human right, car storage is not. Member of the Climate Committee.