Rather a lot of streets.mn organizational news this week: Give to the Max 2019! took place this past Thursday and you gave! Thank you to our donors on GTTM19! The deadline to apply to join the streets.mn board was extended to Monday, November 18 so read about what current board members have to say about what makes board service important/fun and apply here. Plan to join us at our Winter Fundraiser on December 5, 2019 for food, fun, and (obviously) fundraising.
Big news
Parking Validation: What If I Don’t Drive? asks Henry Pan. This post details their inquiries to government offices, health care providers, and businesses who validate parking to ask about benefits for people who don’t drive. They found some bike benefits, fewer transit benefits, and many places which only reward driving.
The Edina Public Works Site is a Once in a Generation Opportunity reports Andy Lewis. Looking at the site with an eye to the future Edina he writes, “We should be envisioning a world in which we can’t or choose not to build this district around the car, and instead one in which residents can both age in place without being auto-dependent and also attract new residents that want to live in a place that prioritizes walkability amongst other modes of transportation.”
Lake Street and Excelsior Boulevard Intersection: A Pedestrian’s View, Part 1 from John Abraham looks at a project in process saying, “As a resident, a bus rider and a pedestrian, I see this intersection reconfiguration as a vast improvement — even while I acknowledge its interference with the thousands of (mostly single-passenger) commuter vehicles that roll through the corridor daily. The importance of a pedestrian crossway, which does bring traffic to a standstill, is clearly evident in the county engineering design.” Part 2 is anticipated to take another look once the project is complete.
Regular features
Walk: Walking All the Streets of Lowry Hill East, Day 1 with Max Hailperin.
Link: National Links: Oregon Cities Push Back on New Zoning Law with links from around the country from Jeff Wood at The Overhead Wire.