Author: Leslie MacKenzie

Leslie MacKenzie

Leslie MacKenzie

Leslie lives in the bungalow neighborhood of Longfellow, South Minneapolis, one block from the Midtown Greenway. She and her husband are organizers of a neighborhood sustainability group, Transition Longfellow, and Leslie also works with Transition Twin Cities. She blogs on energy, gardening, and sustainability topics at

Belle Tool Box

Longfellow: A Certified Wildlife Habitat Neighborhood

What would our community look like if we valued all life forms, not just humans? The experience of walking down the street might be quite different. We’d see colorful yards full of nectary flowers like bee balm, coral bell, meadow blazing star, asters and hyssop. We’d smell fragrant milkweed, honeysuckle, and flowering tobacco. We’d walk […]

Would It Make Financial Sense to Drop A Car?

[This post originally appeared on my blog Think Of It As An Adventure.] One of the things I love about the Longfellow neighborhood – and a big reason I wanted to live here – was its close proximity to everything. That made it possible, in 2010, for my husband and I make the decision to become […]