Tag Archives: gentrification

Chart of the Day: Rent Gap Theory

There’s a wonderful article at Strong Towns by Daniel Herriges that folks interested in Twin Cities housing will likely enjoy. The piece contains this chart, which attempts to explain some of the real estate forces behind gentrification and disinvestment. Folks who spent much time learning about old-school urban geography eventually come across this concept — […]

Chart of the Day: Small Business Turnover vs. Gentrification in New York City

From City Observatory, here’s an interesting chart ripped from a study about small business turnover and gentrification in New York City. It compares the number of businesses that close, go vacant, or are replaced with new businesses in gentrifying and non-gentrifying neighborhoods (gentrifying neighborhoods were defined as meeting a certain change in income within a census tract). Here’s […]

Map of the Day: Gentrification in Minneapolis

Governing Magazine has an article on Gentrification in America. Minneapolis is a league leader, ranking third behind only Portland and Washington. Quoting from the article: Minneapolis: After experiencing little change during the 1990s, 39 Minneapolis neighborhoods gentrified over the past decade. Key drivers of the city’s transformation are fairly typical of other gentrifying cities. Kjersti […]

Analysis: Lots of Cheap Apartments Next to Expensive Apartments

Fancy new apartments: Are they expensive? We’ve heard they’re expensive. Pricing people out and ruining everything, etc. However, Minneapolis has just under 90,000 rental dwelling units. Many of them are not expensive. Some of them, in fact, are expensive but are actually located right next to ones that are not expensive. It should be noted […]