Tag Archives: safe routes to school

Seven Reasons to Keep 29th Avenue Closed to Cars

After a test closure of 29th Avenue at the Midtown Greenway that has been in place for a year, the City of Minneapolis is proposing to turn the closure into a ‘half closure’ on a long-term basis. The City’s proposal is to open 29th Avenue to northbound traffic, bringing more traffic back to a key route for […]

Northfield’s Routes to Schools Still Not Safe

246 Solutions Group is a new grassroots “group of concerned Northfield residents that came together to help change a very dangerous intersection” on MN State Highway 246 near three of Northfield’s five schools by asking MnDOT to reduce speed limits on 246, creating a school zone, and improving the intersection at 246 and Jefferson Parkway. […]

Chart of the Day: How Kids Get to School

Back in the ’60s, about half of all kids in the US biked or walked to school. Today, that number is something like 15%. Obviously, that’s a problem. Still, though, that’s starting to change. Via Streetsblog, here’s a recent look at the mode share for young folk:   Here’s what Tanya Snyder says in the Streetsblog […]