Friday Photo – Winter Bus Stops


This bus stop with over a foot of snow – now packed down, frozen and probably pretty slick – is seen here just outside of the St. Louis Park Rec Center. Now, with the recent streak of sub-zero temperatures in the Twin Cities and across the Midwest snow removal has been nearly impossible, however, this bus stop doesn’t look like it was ever shoveled or cleared. This photo comes from writer Nick Magrino who took the Metro Transit Route 17 bus to the Rec Center to attend the Southwest Corridor Public Meeting last night. As funny and/or disappointing as it is – the transit stop for the transit meeting was piled with snow – these snowy bus stops are really a hazard. Our winters make it hard to travel at times, whether by foot, bike, car or bus, but what would happen here if someone needed to get off at this stop in a wheelchair or using a walker? Here’s hoping the warm-up allows for bus stops to be cleared – by humans or from the sun.

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About Allie

Allie Klynderud is one half of the Flickr moderator team at