Sunday Summary – April 20, 2014

sunday-summary-logoHere’s the quick guide to the past week on on a warm, sunny Easter Sunday

Big Issues:

  • In Defense of the Dinkytown “Riots” uses first-hand reporting to suggest the spontaneous street gatherings in Dinkytown could have been mitigated if the pedestrian facilities were improved; comments debate the crowd management infrastructure as well as the riot rhetoric.
  • TCF Bank to Leave Minneapolis for Sad Warehouse is a photo essay of TCF’s new location in Plymouth plus a request for comments.  The comments are many and varied…transit, free parking, availability of amenities (such as lunch), contrasting other corporate moves toward the center
  • Dense Ideas: Southwest And Other LRT Lines provides more review of the SWLRT and the density (or lack of it) along the line as well as the bias/assumption that the purpose is to bring suburban residents into the city for work or vice versa, but not serve the neighborhoods.


Politics (and more big issues):


Series: Critique of the ITDP’s BRT Scorecard is the last installment in a series which looked at the ITDP scoring of the Red Line and Campus Connector and now scores the scorecard itself.  Swinging slightly south, the EU Bicycling Information Collection Initiative series stays in Germany for its 4th installment Munching on Munich’s Climb to Cycling Prowess (following Seville, Ferrara, and Berlin).


Audio/visual department

Audio:  Are streets too inviting to cars? flags’s Bill Lindeke’s appearance on MPR’s Daily Circuit show and



Finally, for this lovely sunny Sunday we have posts on Bicycles and Springtime: Nice Ride Q&A: Funding Exists for 17 New Stations celebrates the opening of bike share season by talking to Anthony Ongaro, Nice Ride’s Director of Marketing, about what’s new with Nice Ride and bike sharing etc.; The Best Laid Plans maps an early Spring bike ride around St. Paul and shows us some of the sights and people along the way.

Have a great week!


Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at