Tell Us Your Hennepin Avenue Hopes

Hennepin Avenue downtown today (Snak Shak Flickr)The City of Minneapolis is redoing Hennepin Avenue through downtown. The street will be entirely removed and rebuilt. This presents the opportunity to totally change the street. We could make the sidewalks more pleasant, improve bus shelters, make dedicated spaces for people riding bikes and more.

The City is asking, ”What is important to you?”

This is a big question, so as a Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition volunteer, I put together a survey that I think is easier to answer.

If you’ve been to Hennepin Avenue a couple of times or travel it every day, please take this survey. Do your part to make the process more meaningful. (I’ll share what you tell me in a few weeks.)


Project Background

The construction will be in 2020 with some preparatory work in 2019. However, Public Works is already working on rough designs. An application for federal transportation funding is due this year and it requires details on how the space will be shared.

Public Works is planning for four things:

  • Enough sidewalk space area for people walking plus trees, planters, signs, and benches.
  • Space for “enhanced transit stops” that work with planned Arterial Bus Rapid Transit service
  • A protected bikeway separating people riding from motor vehicle traffic
  • Two-way driving lanes to achieve acceptable level of service for transit and motor vehicles

You can learn more on the City’s Project Website


Survey Background

The City is asking, ”What is important to you?” They want our priorities to guide how they fit together the four basic elements. (If you have an answer to this question, you can send it directly to Simon Blenski, a lead planner on the project.)

Concerned about the giant “What is important to you?” question, I volunteered to put together a more accessible survey for the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition. I think it’s easier to respond to. Three more organizations, the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhoods Association (DMNA), the Minneapolis Pedestrian Alliance (MPA), and, are sponsoring the survey. I need them to help gather responses!
The survey invites you to think of Hennepin as a place, not just as a road. How could Hennepin serve your needs as well as be a place that you want to linger?

If you’ve been to Hennepin Avenue a couple of times or travel along it every day, please take this survey. Do your part to make the process more meaningful. Take the 10-15 minute survey HERE.

Galen Ryan

About Galen Ryan

Galen is a transportation and land use activist and lives in the Wedge neighborhood.