Author: Galen Ryan

Galen Ryan

Galen Ryan

Galen is a transportation and land use activist and lives in the Wedge neighborhood.

My View Is Ruined But Things Are Fine

Two new apartment buildings are rising in the view from my 3rd floor Whittier apartment. I was often enamored with the landscape I could witness but now the feeling is gone, ruined by these housing units. The building immediately adjacent to mine stands six stories tall, towering over my home by two floors. It has […]

A Preventable Death on Nicollet, Make No Mistake

    Another one down It’s part of the price to pay They say but no more         Pedestrians die and no one blinks. We consider it to be an individual accident and thus an individual error but it’s time to connect the dots. We consider it the price to pay for […]

A Better Washington Avenue Now, Not Later

  When Hennepin County opens the new stretch of Washington Avenue between Hennepin Avenue and 5th Street in 2017, it will debut a safe and accessible environment for pedestrians and bike riders alike in Minneapolis. However, the infrastructure will be largely stranded. Along Washington between 5th Street and I-35W, the County plans to install unprotected bike […]

Hennepin Avenue Survey Results: Part 1

At the beginning of last month, with the help of the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, The Downtown Neighborhoods Association (DMNA), the Minneapolis Pedestrian Alliance and, I conducted a survey to collect thoughts on the reconstruction of Hennepin Avenue in 2020 to help inform the design process. More than 400 people responded. The DMNA collected 37% of the responses, […]

Tell Us Your Hennepin Avenue Hopes

The City of Minneapolis is redoing Hennepin Avenue through downtown. The street will be entirely removed and rebuilt. This presents the opportunity to totally change the street. We could make the sidewalks more pleasant, improve bus shelters, make dedicated spaces for people riding bikes and more. The City is asking, ”What is important to you?” […]