April Blizzard – Struggles and Adventures!

The Twin Cities experienced a record snowfall the weekend of April 13th.

Neighborhood stores closed early, MVTA actually stopped bus service on Saturday evening!

Local Metro Transit Route 10 buses along Central Avenue got stuck at Broadway.

A few buses also got stuck on Nicollet Mall — Social media videos show several people pushing the bus free.

Its amazing to see our friends and neighbors come together to help one another. Thats what snow does to us in Minnesota.

Some of us jokingly asked if it was okay to order delivery food during the blizzard.

Kidding aside, everyone had issues getting around.

Alternative transportation in action on a Minneapolis side street. (Photo by: Jeremy Hop)

Our family stayed inside during the blizzard… Only venturing out Monday morning to get to work and daycare.

My daughter loved the idea of traveling to her destination via sled!  She said “weeeee” while Dad pulled her along the quiet side streets in NE Minneapolis this morning. A few people sweeping off their cars smiled as we passed by.


Bus stop at Johnson Street and 18th Avenue NE. (Photo by: Jeremy)

Waiting at the bus stop, once aboard I thanked my driver for “doing what he does”. It was nice to see a clear path on the sidewalk as well as onto the bus. This is amazing, due to the extremely high volume of snow and the common plow mounds formed when the street is plowed. The Route 4 bus was right on time on both ends of my journey. Amazing job Metro Transit did all weekend getting people around in a safe and as quickly as possible.


Record snowfall in April. (Image courtesy of NOAA)

Our neighborhood received record amounts of snow during this event — A point of pride, at least for me. 🙂

Jeremy Hop

About Jeremy Hop

Jeremy is multi modal commuter, map geek and an urban development nerd in Northeast Minneapolis. A single father, he enjoys spending time enjoying "here", "there" and "getting there" with his two daughters, 5 and 11.