Bruno And Sasha In Pool 2

Sunday Summary – August 11, 2019

A couple of events are coming up.  On Friday, August 16,  Join Us For Happy Hour + One Final Ride On The Midnight Bus From Wayzata the next week we’re hosting Post-a-Palooza – Thursday, August 22! where you can “Join contributors for a post-a-palooza, which will basically be a co-working session/happy hour focused on getting those thoughts onto (virtual) paper. Drink beer or your preferred NA beverage, ask questions, proofread posts, help write a sentence or two, or just sit next to each other in silence and let the presence of other writers help motivate you.” Sunday Summary logo


Fish Hatchery Trail: a Final Update from Melissa Wenzel follows up her May 2018 update and reports that since then “a LOT of work was being done behind-the-scenes. MnDOT was performing numerous soil borings and structural engineering tests. They determined the move-ability and erodibility of the soils and determined a short-term (5-8 year) solution. Further, they secured federal funding to cover 80% of the costs needed for a long-term solution.”  And there are pictures!

Downtown right after sunset

Our Capital city is beautiful after sunset!


Conrad Zbikowski lets us know Lime Quietly Raises Prices on Scooter Rentals “in Minneapolis and St. Paul from $1 plus 15 cents per minute to $1 plus 20 cents per minute” which is part of a national upward price trend.

The Quarterly Transit Report–August 2019 is out. Aaron Isaacs  reports that bus ridership is down and hypothesizes why this is happening. For local urban routes, ridership decline “coincides with the rise of rent-by-the-minute cars, bikes and scooters, plus Uber and Lyft. All of these options offer ways to be car-free with little loss of convenience; they can be summoned through an app and paid by credit card,” and for express buses, the decline may be affected by increased telecommuting, among other reasons. Finally, as always, a review of service changes is provided, this quarter 80 weekday trips will be cut, mostly during rush hour, to manage a shortage of drivers.

Regular features:

Links: National Links: 3D Crosswalks, Megacities, and Vacancy Taxes from Jeff Wood at the Overhead Wire.

4 dogs in swimming pool

Enjoy summer!




Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at