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Celebrating 31 Days of Winter Bicycling

Winter in Minnesota can be delightful, gorgeous, fragile, challenging, and sometimes far too gray. In January of 2018, Melissa Wenzel issued herself a challenge to a winter-weather version of April’s “30 Days of Biking.” Fellow winter bicyclists in Minnesota and around the world joined Melissa in her pledge to bike every day in January. In 2019, Fred Kreider decided to extend their own January biking goal and biked every day for a full year.


For 31 Days of Winter Biking 2020,  I want to share with you the joy, the beauty, and the camaraderie of winter bicycling, featuring the voices of some of the winter bicyclists themselves:







Bicycling in winter is truly joyful, despite the challenges. I personally love snow and cold, but not all of us do – as Melissa wrote last year:

Lastly, while I still don’t love winter, I am getting better about embracing the season and feeling more comfortable biking year-round.

I hope you’ve all had a happy January, and found some delight in the winter weather. Please feel free to share your own stories of winter bicycling in the comments, or read more of January’s tweets at #31daysofwinterbicycling.

Don’t forget! This Friday is Winter Bike to Work Day, which is another great opportunity to try a snowy ride. 

says "winter bike love strike, Save winter, ride with us" with drawings of a bicycle, heart, and an "X"

Winter Bike to Work Day 2020

Jenny Werness

About Jenny Werness

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Jenny (she/her) is a carfree, bicycling, tree-loving St. Paul resident, with a Ph.D. in organic chemistry. She believes that our rapidly changing climate should be of utmost concern to all of us. Board of Directors of streets.mn, 2019-2024; Executive Committee - Content Manager.