Author: Ethan Fawley

Ethan Fawley

Ethan Fawley

Ethan is the Executive Director of the Our Streets Minneapolis, which works for a city where biking, walking, and rolling are easy and comfortable for everyone. Ethan lives with his wife Lesley and toddler son, Quincy, in the Midtown Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis. He loves Minneapolis and wants to see it be better for everyone. He is a big soccer fan, including a season ticket holder of Minnesota United FC.

26th and 28th Street Changes Are About Safety For All

This past Saturday there was a bike lane protest that included “Nazi Lane” and “Mafia Lane” signs. Such rhetoric is disturbing, offensive, and trivializes the very real negative impact of white supremacy. Never do it. That protest was against recent changes to 26th and 28th Streets in Whittier and Uptown. Thankfully there was also a bike […]

Minneapolis Bike Week and My Personal Biking Story

Minneapolis Bike Week is here! It’s all about inspiring new people to try biking (or biking more). I hope you can help inspire new bicyclists this week by being a Bike Buddy (& get free goodies!), sharing Bike Week events with your friends, or more (here are 5 easy ways you can help!). Monday, May 11: […]

Why I Support Move MN

Minnesota Transportation Bill Basics The Republican-controlled House has passed a transportation bill that uses General Fund money to support billions in new road funding, cuts transit, and ignores walking and biking. The DFL-controlled Senate has passed a transportation bill that uses a gas tax increase to support billions in new road funding, a metro-area sales […]

8 Reasons Biking and Walking Should be Part of the State Transportation Bill

Transportation is one of the top issues at the State Legislature this year and is already getting a lot of media attention. As it should–investing in a modern transportation system is critical for Minnesota’s economic competitiveness and quality of life. But walking and biking have mostly been left out of that conversation so far. The […]