Author: Max Musicant

Max Musicant

Max Musicant

Max is the owner and Principal of The Musicant Group ( - a placemaking advisory firm dedicated to "Creating Great Places for People". The firm combines urban planning, design, and business management strategies to create on-going systems that improve public spaces for visitors, tenants, residents, and owners. He holds a BA from the University of Wisconsin and an MBA from the Yale School of Management

3 Questions that Need to be Answered About The Yard & Ryan Co’s Downtown East Project

 “The Yard”   The proposed $400 million East Downtown corporate Wells Fargo office, housing, retail, parking and park complex being proposed by Ryan Development is chugging along, having just received unanimous support from the Minneapolis Planning Commission. At the center of this project – literally and figuratively – is “The Yard” a two block (likely […]

Winter in the City – We Can Do Better

As November draws to a close, winter has descended on the Twin Cities with force. This means it’s time to hunker down, withdraw from the public realm and resign ourselves to scurrying between our home, car, parking garage and office – punctuated only by strolls through climate controlled malls and skyways. It doesn’t have to […]

Placemaking Adventures in Suburbia

We all know the scene: a typical busy suburban intersection, cars going 45 mph+ on 4-8 lanes of road, a few strip retail centers each with a lake of parking in front. Sometimes – if you are lucky – there are some extras: a lonely bus stop, a newer project that attempts to engage the […]