Author: AB

The Beautiful Inconsistencies of a Grand Avenue

Gerber Jewelers is a small business situated on one of St. Paul’s most desirable streets and it’s trying to extend its storefront to the sidewalk. “Gerber Jewelers’ bid to extend the front of its building at 945 Grand Ave. to the sidewalk has been rebuffed. On a 7-0 vote … St. Paul City Council rejected […]

The Impending Decline of Second-Ring Suburbs

There is a small war going on in America’s second-ring suburbs. As many places cautiously emerge out of the housing recession, the uptick in new development has been at odds with concerned citizens, elected officials, developers and long-range community plans. Aging suburbia is going through an identity crisis. The only word that comes to mind: bipolar. To best describe […]

The Urbanism Crowdsourcing Hodge Podge Twitter Grab Bag

It all started with a tweet … The responses quickly came in. First from Mike Christensen, who has a quick draw. He’s the fastest tweet in the west. @Nathaniel1983 Road diets. — Mike Christensen, MCMP, CNU-A, AICP (@MRC_SLC) October 27, 2014 I have a lot of thoughts on road diets, specifically that we don’t do enough […]

Monday Photo: Paris vs. Dallas and Mankato

Here is the Tweet seen round the globe, or at least in urbanism circles … writer, Matthias Leyrer, went viral two weeks ago with this directed at a co-worker heading to France for holiday (feel free to check it out and RT it some more). This even sparked a clever Google Streetview Mashup (by Ben Lundsten). […]

No Need for Vandalism on the Greenway & Kenilworth

The Southwest Light Rail debate has been heated. Suffice it to say, there is no shortage of opinion. The debate on was mostly polite. This was either a victory for civility or Minnesotans being Minnesotans. The best way to understand the complicated debate would be to read Nick Magrino’s “A Southwest Light Rail Explainer” and Jeremy Mendelson’s “Southwest Light […]

Saturday Event: “Human Scale” at Piazza on the Mall readers are encouraged to join the Strong Towns National Gathering’s outdoor movie screening of “Human Scale” at the Piazza on the Mall. Here’s the trailer: It’s tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 13 at 8:30 PM. Make sure to bring a coat! Get more information here.  

Strong Towns: This Is Not a Conference members are invited to join the Strong Towns National Gathering. It’ll be local. It’ll be educational. It’ll be September 12 – 14, 2014. This is not a conference, but a gathering. Strong Towns is hosting it’s first National Gathering in two weeks in Minneapolis, but it’s aim is entirely different than that of a “conference“. […]

Pick Up an Orange Flag and Cross a Street!

Pick up an orange flag and cross a street. That’s how revolutions get started. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. After injuries and deaths on Snelling Avenue in St. Paul, pedestrians are fighting back. Members of a Macalaster College have placed flags in buckets to aid the crossing of this busy street. However, a grumpy man on a soapbox thinks that these […]

SWLRT: Mixing it up more than Bundt Cake?

It appears the Metropolitan Council’s marketing and planning team are working in tandem to sabotage the Beltline Station in St. Louis Park. I’m not quite sure what “mixing up more than Bundt cake” means, or why it’s being used as a marketing slogan. Possibly because NordicWare, a nearby industrial facility, invented the bunt back. But, if […]