Author: Robin Garwood

Robin Garwood

Robin Garwood

Robin Garwood is Policy Aide to Minneapolis Council Member Cam Gordon. He serves on the Minneapolis Bicycle Advisory Committee and the Minneapolis Tree Advisory Committee, and on the board of FairVote Minnesota.

Minneapolis in Purple

Let’s Really Talk About Privilege in Transportation

A recent piece attempts to make the case that Minneapolis policies, including but not limited to the draft Comprehensive Plan, are part of a broader war on cars, driven by the “privilege” of people who cannot or choose not to drive. I feel like I have a responsibility to respond, because I’ve worked for transportation […]

Minneapolis Should Use the Three-Lane Layout for 3rd Avenue

In the conversations leading up to the City Council vote today on the 3rd Ave S redesign, it seems we’ve gotten focused on the wrong questions. The most important question isn’t “will the downtown businesses agree to replace greening by a large enough percentage?” It also isn’t “but how do downtown business owners feel about this?” The […]

Sidewalks Need to Stop Killing Trees

On February 3rd, the Minneapolis City Council’s Transportation and Public Works committee received a very important, somewhat disturbing report from Professor Gary Johnson in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Forest Resources.  The most striking finding: boulevard trees near recent sidewalk replacement work are more than twice as likely to fail. The report is based on extensive […]

Conservation Districts can be a Tool for Smart Growth

The conservation conversation hasn’t gotten off to a good start.  As one of the people who has worked to craft the proposed conservation district ordinance, here’s my take. The wrong frames “Urbanist vs. NIMBY” and “high density vs. low density” are the wrong frames for this discussion, just as “bicyclists vs. firefighters” was the wrong frame […]