Tag Archives: board update

Join the streets.mn Board for Better Places in Minnesota

Do you love reading streets.mn? Are you interested in taking a leadership role in shaping conversations about the future of urbanism in Minnesota? If the answer is yes (and if you’re reading this now, there’s a good chance it is), then streets.mn has got the opportunity for you! streets.mn is excited to announce that we […]

Welcome Five New Board Members to streets.mn

Today, we’re sharing some behind-the-scenes info from streets.mn. I’m pleased to announce that in December, the streets.mn Board of Directors unanimously voted to welcome five new members to the board. They are: David Zeller, the marketing manager for HourCar. He has experience with business partnership development with non-profits, membership development, event planning, fundraising, and volunteer coordination. […]

Join the streets.mn Board to Keep Moving the Conversation Forward

As Bill Lindeke noted a couple of weeks ago, the streets.mn board needs you to apply to join us! I have served on the board for the last year, after several years of reading, commenting, and contributing. It has been an amazing opportunity to help shape and support an organization I love, and to use […]

We Want You to Join the streets.mn Board!

The other day on Twitter, a reader made me happy with the following salute: https://twitter.com/vincentgnight/status/919982417154379777 Vincent (whom I do not know, by the way) was reacting to Ethan Fawley’s recent and wonderful post about the 26th and 28th street bike lanes. But the comment could have been about any of dozens of recent articles on […]

Board Update: Creating Connection through Membership

On Saturday, January 14, the streets.mn board of directors met and the main topic on the agenda was how to grow a better membership program. For the board, the first goal of a membership program is to develop a stronger relationship with readers, writers, and other users of streets.mn. The second goal is the fiscal […]