Tag Archives: CTIB

Counties Transit Board Dissolution Plan in the Works

The Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB) met on December 21 to discuss the probable voluntary dissolution of CTIB and future funding options for metro rail and bus transit systems. The 78 page PDF was distributed and was the working document used at the meeting. Pages 3-7 offer a summary of the dissolution proposal as well […]

Sunday Summary – August 7, 2016

For the first week of August, we have only four posts, but many comments about each. For next week, perhaps someone will write about the first event at US Bank Stadium and how the facility and transportation worked together (or didn’t). Or considering Olympic Games’ land use and transportation issues as the 2016 games open in […]

Dakota County Leaves the CTIB: the Orange Line is in Jeopardy

The Orange Line in Jeopardy Dakota County has decided to leave the CTIB (County Transit Improvement Board). The CTIB allegedly retaliated by refusing to fill a $12 million gap from the failed bonding bill with CTIB funds; this puts the Orange Line in jeopardy as the bulk of the funding ($120 out of $150 million) is expected […]

Hey Transit Investments, Don’t Skimp on the Sidewalks

What if you built a transit line, and nobody came? More and more that’s a distinct possibility because, as projects face tighter fiscal realities at all levels of government, it’s getting harder to fund the actual pedestrian infrastructure that makes transit useful in the first place. The SWLRT offers a good example. You’re probably so […]