A Check-in With Minnesota’s Trunk Highway System
Like city streets, Minnesota’s “trunk” highway system is always changing. Monte Castleman provides an update on some big changes to the administration of Minnesota’s roads.
Like city streets, Minnesota’s “trunk” highway system is always changing. Monte Castleman provides an update on some big changes to the administration of Minnesota’s roads.
In response to our recent article on pedestrian call buttons, a traffic signal equipment expert explains how call buttons, and traffic signals, work.
An overview of some of the more interesting suburban infrastructure projects awarded grants by the Met Council in 2022, from a pool of an unusually large $355 million.
The final installment of Bloomington’s Bicycle Infrastructure determines how the infrastructure is being used and concludes by looking at future projects.
The second installment of Bloomington’s Bicycle Infrastructure examines and evaluates several important bike corridors throughout the city.
In the first of a three-part series, Streets.mn contributor Monte Castleman reviews and critiques Bloomington’s network of bicycle infrastructure.
The second and final part of a series documenting Monte’s ride(s) on the Root River State Trail, which runs between Fountain and Houston, Minnesota.
A cyclist tours readers (and riders) through the Root River State Trail, a long, Midwestern interstate trail that intersects with Fountain, Lanesboro and other communities.
Highway 67 in Western Minnesota will be permanently rerouted this fall. The road, which provides access to Upper Sioux Agency Park, suffered from a slope failure in 2019, inflicting infrastructural damage that was not cost-effective to repair.
Google Maps Silliness Minnesota has about a hundred legally named highways and bridges, written into law in Minnesota Statute § 161.14. Some of the early ones like the Viking Trail and the Sioux Trail were possibly intended to mark motoring touring routes. But overwhelmingly the highways are named in memory of local politicians, veterans or […]