Tag Archives: electric cars

Gas Stations: Will They Survive The Rise of Plug-in Hybrids?

Continued from an earlier post on gas stations. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) like the Chevy Volt and Volvo XC90 may have a greater impact on the demise of gas stations than pure electric BEVs. PHEVs will play a transitional role as they are not as big of a mental leap for car buyers as […]

Gas Stations: Not Long For This World?

In my post about some redevelopment in Shoreview I mentioned the likely closing of the Hill Blacksmith shop in the coming years. Some took exception, saying that they didn’t think it very likely, especially since it was built only recently in 1883. We’ve used horses for centuries and they’ve served us well. I do think […]

Electric and Autonomous Cars Are Not A Panacea

Next week is National Drive Electric Week 2015. On a fairly regular basis I hear a comment that autonomous and electric vehicles will solve a multitude of our worst transportation problems. Well, each will solve some problems. And create others. They’re far from a panacea, though. The personal benefits of Battery Electric Vehicles, BEV’s, are certainly […]