Tag Archives: single family home


Sunday Summary – November 18, 2018

Thank you all who Gave to the Max for streets.mn and to those who applied to join our board. streets.mn depends on its members, event volunteers, writers, board members, and donors to support its work. Yay!  And here’s last week on streets.mn:   Interesting journeys To the Gulf of Minneapolis by bike with Wolfie Browender. To […]

Minneapolis 2040 Charts and Maps

Some charts and maps to consider as we close in on the comment deadline for the draft of the Minneapolis 2040 comprehensive plan. You have until July 22 to comment at minneapolis2040.com! Minneapolis and neighboring cities are adding more people than homes for those people to live. A housing shortage is a game of musical […]

Drawing of a man pointing at you

Who Gentrified This Minneapolis Starter Home?

In 2009, my wife and I were looking for a house. I had just finished law school. I had temporary work as a law clerk and wasn’t sure where (or if?) I’d find a permanent job—the legal job market had cratered along with the rest of the economy. So we looked for a place near […]

Why Aren’t We Building Affordable Houses Anymore?

Last week in my article on self-driving cars, I noted the phenomenon that affordable (say $200,000 or less) new houses simply aren’t being built anymore and speculated that might lead to people choosing longer commutes. As a second part, I thought I’d look at some possible reasons affordable houses aren’t being built any more. For the […]