Author: Christa M

Christa M

Christa M

Attorney. I do law stuff, ride bikes, and paint murals. Member of Hourcar & Nice Ride, and customer of Freewheel Bike and The Hub Bike Co-op.

A map of hennepin county shaded in pastel greens and purples

Does This Map Identify Systemic Bias in Property Valuation?

This editorial on disparities in property valuation in the New York Times is drawing attention and commentary, for good reason. The editorial finds nationwide, systemic valuation errors disproportionately affecting lower-value residential properties which shifts property-tax burdens towards those property-owners and away from higher-value residential property owners. Racial disparities in wealth and homeownership, and the persistent […]

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Celebrating the 1-year Anniversary of the Climate Committee

On December 29, 2019, seven people met at Dual Citizen Brewery in St. Paul, and there we created the Climate Emergency Committee. We had a few in-person writing meet-ups before the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, and even though none of us could anticipate the events that followed throughout the year of 2020, we maintained […]

A bike helmet, turned upside down with plants growing out of it.

Rethinking “Rethinking I-94”

Despite its name, MNDOT’s project does not allow for “rethinking I-94,” it can only recapitulate I-94. And the community organizations’ letter, while we agree with its goals, does not push for the magnitude of change necessary. The urgency of our climate crisis requires more ambitious plans, and even the proposals by the community organizations will not manifest an I-94 corridor that has been sufficiently reconsidered.


Femme/Trans/Women/Non-Binary Meet-Up: Wednesday, April 8

Our mission here at highlights the value of inclusive conversations. In order to encourage and amplify underrepresented voices, is hosting an online F/T/W/NB (femme, trans, women, non-binary) meet-up next week. If you identify as femme/trans/woman/non-binary, you’re welcome to join us for a casual meet-up of the ftw/nb community! You should especially consider joining […]

Map excerpt showing the metro area with various municipalities indicated in shades of purple, with the caption "Integrated Resiliance"

Growing Awareness of Climate in Community Planning

I don’t remember how this ended up in my inbox, but the Great Plains Institute (GPI) recently published an article evaluating how Met Council-area communities are using the comprehensive planning process to address climate-related issues. As part of the state laws governing land use in the metro area, metro area municipalities are required to create […]

A street sign reading "time for change"

Things Can’t Be Both Better and the Same

The mission is: To foster positive connections and inclusive conversations about better places in Minnesota. I want to focus on just one adjective in that statement: “better.” This site— as an organization—is dedicated to improvement. There are different approaches to improving something, and certainly the mission statement leaves considerable room for people to disagree […]

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A Minor Miracle in St. Paul

I have been known to harshly criticize St. Paul for its consistent—one could say unconscious, institutional—prioritization of car speed and convenience over the safety and comfort of people traveling sustainably. But this past fall St. Paul did something incredible, illuminating how different things could be with nothing more than a change in mindset. In October, […]

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Share The Pain: SWLRT Related Trail Closure

As part of the SWLRT construction, the Cedar Lake Trail is now closed between Hopkins and Minneapolis. For two to three years. Never fear, there is a detour. Let’s take a look at it. These detours certainly get a cyclist from one side of the closure to the other. The portion I’m focused on—between Hopkins […]

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When Quality of Life Initiatives Make Places Worse

  Metro Transit has stepped up a previously ill-defined “anti-harassment” initiative to promote “respect, kindness and inclusion among our riders.” This has manifested in station announcements, signage, and scrolling messages on buses that a lot of people probably find innocuous, or even welcome. However, the way it has chosen to go about this campaign is […]