Sunday Summary – April 6, 2014

sunday-summary-logoApril Fools Day and the rest of last week writers like to have fun and took full advantage of April Fools Day last week. Good parody slaps us in the face with important ideas and these were particularly pointy posts (the other foolish posts can be found in the archive):  MNDOT Redirects Stillwater Bridge Funds to Pedestrian, Transit Projects with some interesting trips-per-day numbers; Minnezona – Or a Solution to Our Climate Crisis billed as a climate solution, but the interesting bit was about infill development; and Minneapolis Announces Adoption of Bloomington Pedestrian Plan is almost too true to be foolish (also picked up by streetsblog).

Look and listen:




Specific projects and issues: 

  • Hennepin-LyndaleBottleneck Fix: Turn (Don’t Merge) shows how the Hennepin-Lyndale intersection could be transformed by having cars turn onto the interstate rather than merge via fast, space-consuming on/off ramps (this was the comment winner of the week – lots of local knowledge and additional design thoughts); Hennepin-Lyndale Reconstruction Project recommends a few simple changes to the repaving project to improve bicycle/pedestrian safety.
  • Lake & HiawathaSupport TOD at Lake and Hiawatha analyses the proposed redevelopment of the Midtown Farmers Market area.
  • Bicycling: A Wintry Bike SocialBicycling Bonanza in Berlin (Germany), and How-To: 30daysofbiking (yes, go ahead and start now for 24 days of biking) provides encouragement and inspiration to Ride your bike every day in April, however far you want, no matter the weather
  • Transit: Let’s Be Pro-transit  goes beyond recent SWLRT debate to ask what could be accomplished if pro-transit advocates worked together for better transit in the busiest corridors (and, one wonders, what could happen with a Disney-style video about the magic of transit?)

Keep biking, start walking, step away from your computer and get outside this week…

Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at