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Sunday Summary – August 10, 2014

sunday-summary-logoHere’s the complete week on thoughtfully organized and helpfully annotated:

Events: If you know about a transportation or land use related event, we’d love to know about it, too.  Events is the complete guide to this feature of the site.  Events are also good topics for posts, if you’d like to write for  For example, the Dinkytown Multimodal Transportation Plan Forum is on the events calendar and there’s also a preview post Transportation for a Booming Dinkytown considering how to make transportation even better as Dinkytown continues to redevelop more intensely as background and input for the forum.

Minnesota’s premier climatic event: Winter is Coming–Embrace It instead of complaining about it and, more importantly, plan for getting and keeping people on the streets in the winter.

SWLRT: Given the steady stream of posts on the Southwest Light Rail Transit project, it’s very helpful to have A Southwest Light Rail Explainer recapping the history, route, and some of the issues involved in this big project.

Visual posts: A Bicycle Commute to the Suburbs shows us the way from Minneapolis to Chanhassen while MSP Walking Tour – Get Some Exercise, Spread Some Local Love takes us along or around parts of the Green Line, but also talks up city walking more generally.  Then there’s The Other Green Line which is “a public art experience designed to get people off the Green Line, into businesses and enjoying nature in the neighborhood” in a cool integration of transit, natural history, and art.

Charts and Photo: Metro Transit System Map, StreetsStats, and Saint Paul Projected Population and Employment are this week’s Charts of the Day.  The Friday Photo: What Does This Say? poses a question about ownership, right of way, pedestrian facilities and maybe more; the comments provide answers.

Continuing stories:  More School Money Madness campaigns against New Ulm’s proposed new high school (also see a recent post about Mankato’s proposed middle school); the many comments debate walkability, physical education, accessibility, and more.  Refining an Idea: 26th/28th Streets uses StreetMix to create cross-sections for ideas about 26th and 28th Streets considered recently on streets.mnHouten (Holland): Heaven or Hollow? continues the EU BICI series with a second installment in the Netherlands, this time in Houten.

Lovely summer weather continues (unless you wanted rain), so enjoy the week on the streets and then catch up with next week’s summary!



Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at