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Sunday Summary – November 4, 2018

Tick, tick, tick…almost Election Day and Your Vote Matters – Get Out And Vote! Voting is the first, best form of citizen engagement, and Henry Pan writes, “the Your vote has the power to influence so many things transportation-related. For example, like how Metro Transit is run. There are very important races at the Federal level, but the local races have much more impact.” The post reviews Minnesota races and their relevance to transportation policy and funding.



Trick or Treat! Turns 7!  The first tweet happened October 31, 2011 with the first website posts following in November 2011.

There’s still time to apply to join the board and help us make the next 7 years even better.  Current board members Angelina and Julia  offer two perspectives on the board or you can click directly to the application and find out more about what’s involved and what skills would be particularly useful to the board at this time.


Bigger stories

Hidden Priorities, in Plain Sight by Janne Flisrand offers some Google Earth images of Minneapolis revealing how much land is devoted to highways and asks “What does our choice to build and maintain this in the heart of Minneapolis this say about our values?” (and more questions). Commenters carry on an extensive discussion about removing some highways, whether the highways contribute to the economic growth of Minneapolis, value of land consumed by highways, and more.

How Do We Price Dockless Bikes? asks Evan Roberts. Minneapolis Nice Ride navigates between docked bikes and “leave them anywhere” dockless bikes by providing hubs where bikes must be left. But, Nice Ride hasn’t identified all the useful locations for hubs, so rather than charge riders $5 for leaving bikes outside the lines, “another way is to let people leave the bikes in the wild where they like, and collect real data on where they’re being dropped, and where they’re being picked up.” Commenters provide much support for really dockless bikes, competition for Nice Ride, and some concerns about “bike litter” if the system was completely dockless.

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NiceRide docked and dockless bikes


Regular features

Walk: Walking All of the Streets of Eastern Howe with Max Hailperin.

Look:  Chart of the Day: Child Pedestrian Fatalities, 1990 – 2012 by Day of Year showing that Halloween is far and away the day of the year with the most child pedestrian fatalities.

Halloween Ped Death Chart


Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at